čtvrtek 30. června 2016

Pat mini filtr

Pat mini filtr

AQUAEL PAT MINI is a tiny turbine filter intended for use in small freshwater aquariums. This device consists of a small head and a carefully selected filter sponge. Internal filter offers extraordinary filtration and aeration. Smooth adjustment of water flow direction.

Pat mini filtr

Adjustable water flow rate. Noiseless filter operation. Easy to install and maintain. PAT MINI A tiny turbine filter intended for use in small freshwater aquariums.

This is the best shrimp filter (quiet) that I have laid my hands on for the price. Cheap, effective and good Quality. Ein Top Filter vor allem für Zuchtbecken, aber seht selbst. Istnieją kultowe seriale, kultowe teatry, kultowe knajpy. A czy coś kultowego jest w akwarystyce?

Film przygotowany na konkurs filmuj z Aquael. Výborný vnitřní filtr s vysokou kapacitou filtračních médií pro akvária až 1litrů. Aquael pat mini is a tiny turbine filter intended for use in small freshwater aquariums.

It is equipped with aeration tube connected to the output nozzle that allows for effective and efficient aeration of water in the tank. The sponge that is a part of the PAT MINI filter has relatively small pores and provides efficient mechanical filtration in the aquarium by removing even the tiniest visible impurities from the water. Pat mini internal filter.

Pat mini filtr

Very easy to install, equipped with strong suction cups. Filtr AQUAEL Fan Mini Plus vnitřní. PAT MINI is a miniature internal filter designed to be installed in small and mid-sized aquariums.

The device consists of a miniature head and carefully selected filtration sponge. All of that with power. Ideally suited for all nano aquariums, shrimp tanks and other small aquariums. The internal filter can be hidden even in tight corners without compromising filter efficiency. Děkujeme, že chcete přidat fotografii výrobku.

Pat mini filtr

Pomozte při volbě vhodného výrobku také jiným kupujícím a přidejte svou fotografii. Fluval U Mini Underwater Filter provides simple yet efficient filtration that helps create excellent aquarium water quality. The PAT MINI filter is compatible with the AQUAEL sprinkler and the AQUAEL MINI UV water sterilizer.

They are available either in the standard version or in the CARBOMAX and PHOSMAX versions. The PHOSMAX sponge is intended for removing phosphates from the water in order to prevent the growth of algae. Akvarijní filtr PAT MINI , doporučen pro akvária o objemu 10–1L. Příkon W, napájení 2V, Hz, moderní design. Jednoduchá konstrukce a snadné čištění.

Vynikající filtrace a provzdušňonání, regulovatelný průtok voda, tichý chod. Rozměry filtru: × × 1mm.

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